Test and Qualification Programs

Analysis, Verification, Validation According to Customer Needs

Our customers’ testing requirements differ widely according to the planned use of the cameras, from the economic approach through to product screening during production and comprehensive qualification programs for individual cameras with extensive documentation.

We create specific test concepts to meet all demands of the later application context. During the development process, all required technical characteristics are analytically defined and then metrologically verified on the object, for example with MTBF calculations, thermal analysis or mechanical stress analysis.

Prototype tests for verification of specific characteristics are, for example, shock and vibration tests on shakers; temperature and climate tests in climatic chambers; overvoltage, and EMC tests. We offer all these analytical methods and tests for our products and execute them either on our own or in cooperation with external partners.

All test programs comply thoroughly with your project-specific standards and requirements.

An overview of standards and certifications in our portfolio


Kappa optronics Design assurance levels and test procedure

Scalable test approaches

Client-specific test concepts

From automatic accelerated test procedures to complex stress tests, we will offer you a test concept tailored to your requirements. In the course of this development, we will expand our portfolio as needed to achieve the desired test procedure, or we will incorporate test stages from the your side as needed.geschnitten ist. Dabei erweitern wir bei Bedarf unser Portfolio um die geforderten Testverfahren oder übernehmen kundenseitige Prüfschritte.

ATP- / EOL-Test

At the end of the production process, there is a standard-version EOL End of Line Test or the ATP Acceptance Test Procedure (documented in the ATR Acceptance Test Report) where the product’s functionalities are tested.


The statistical failure probability is higher at the outset of the product’s lifetime (the so-called bathtub curve). Using endurance tests / burn-in tests, components or products with latent defects can be identified and removed early, ensuring that they will never enter the supply chain.

Product Screening

Should the customer require it, an additional screening process during production, based on a burn-in test, can be implemented. Using this method, series products are exposed to an endurance test such as exposure to diverse temperature cycles in a climate cabinet. Latently defective products are identified and the customer has maximum transparency with respect to his series’ safety.

More about specific tests under Rugged Design

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