HD Night Vision Cameras for Aircraft, Vehicles and Night Vision Devices
Kappa HD night vision cameras are conceptualized for aircraft, vehicles and night vision devices as well as for any surveillance systems and devices that are also used during daylight hours. For every light-critical situation, they offer high-contrast, low-noise images, from daylight bright, across highlights and light pulses to moonlight, with bandwidth reaching from the visible to the LWIR spectrum.
SWaP- Rugged optimized
Kappa directs its focus on 24/7 applications and moving action scenes. Rugged Camera design, forms the ideal basis for solutions in extreme environmental conditions, and is SWaP-C optimized as well.
From Visible to LWIR Spectrum, minus Image Intensifiers — 24/7
Kappa combines the most light-sensitive sensors of different technologies with particularly light-sensitive lenses, and filter sets (such as ND filters) and an adaptive luminance algorithm, also available with automatic iris control. Kappa models equal and surpass even pure night vision systems such as infrared cameras, manage conditions without image intensifiers and still deliver brilliant daylight images better than the human eye, around the clock for 24 hours! For many applications, this results not only in cost but also space advantages.
no imaging in wavelength <900 nm with SIWR only devices
LWIR (up to XGA)
passive technology
unfamilar, b/w
enhanced imaging through fog, smoke, rain
no imaging through glass, no detection of laser pointers or position/brake lights, limited (D)RI cap. compared to VIS/SWIR techn.
Advantageous for Your Applications
High-quality sensitive sensors
HD-SDI, HDMI, Camera Link, analog/video
Latency-Free Processing
Spectrum Visible - NIR - LWIR
HDRadapt, adaptive luminance algorithm
AGC - onboard automatic gain (for low light-level conditions)
Extremely High Dynamic Range - 120 dB
Image Enhancement with Real-Time Video Processing
Histogram-Streching, De-Fogging, Fog Penetration
Low Noise
SWaP-C optimized
Kappa Rugged Quality
Customized DO-178/DO-254 Camera Design
We offer combinations as complete solutions, with filter sets, light-sensitive lenses, long-distance zoom versions, as well as PTZ, various mounts, lighting sets, and housing and mechanical adaptations.
Possible Safety-Related Applications
Long-Range Surveillance
Day and Night Surveillance 24/7
Covert Operations
Active Imaging
NIR Imaging, LWIR Imaging, Night Vision
Fusion Viewing
Airborne, UAV
Armored Vehicles
Solution based on this technology platform (related links)