Already the way to work at Kappa is a (short!) dream route through beautiful countryside from all directions. The city cycling challenge was a great motivation to join the group of Kappa bike commuters.
City Cycling Göttingen 2022
In June, we participated with a Kappa team in the Göttingen City Cycling Challenge - a first small step in our current energy-saving challenge at Kappa. City cycling is about covering as many everyday distances as possible by bike and thus contributing to the reduction of Co2 emissions. With 19 active participants, our team reached 33rd place out of 166 registered teams in the district. Together we covered 4125 kilometers with muscle power in 3 weeks and thus saved 625 kg Co2. Due to trade fairs and illness, some of us were not able to ride continuously, so that we can aim for at least one ton next year!
Already the way to work at Kappa is a dream route through beautiful countryside from all directions and so the city cycling has won further colleagues for the group of Kappa bike commuters. For example, Katrin Vogel, Marketing Manager: "For me, it's just under 10 kilometers to work. I wouldn't have thought how quickly it would become routine. You start the day fresher and more active and come down faster in the evening - not to mention the savings in fuel costs. I definitely want to keep at it. I need a better bike, though, so will check out the bike leasing offer at Kappa."