Viewing Systems for Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS), Hybrid Switchgear, Generator Circuit Breaker (GCB) and Generator.
For all substations, network solutions (digital) and network independent solutions (analog)
Safe solutions with specialized camera systems: Minimizing risk to human operators is key! Our clients need to install appropriate cameras, fitted with adapters and LEDs, at all viewports in order to fully visualize the isolation gap. In every case, the foundation of Kappa’s solutions is an extremely compact robust camera, in a housing developed especially for adaptation to viewports, with client-defined mechanical interfaces and extremely shock and EMC resistant design as well as high temperature resistance.
Field-proven camera systems fit all substation viewports, on medium- and high-voltage, gas- and air-insulated switchgear, hybrid switchgear, GCB, and transformers. These state-of-the-art cameras are designed for network-dependent or network-independent solutions. All solutions are suited for greenfield projects, retrofits or upgrades to maximize safety.
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Switchgear PVU and Switchgear Camera Analog (Video)
Video network-independent: cameras can be directly connected to a monitor without a network solution. We provide analog switchgear cameras (SGC-Analog) for fixed and mobile use. The fixed camera installations are available with either a Portable Video Unit (PVU) with built-in battery and monitor, or an installed monitor affixed to your equipment. The mobile version is a ‘plug and play‘, on-demand solution (e.g. for service technicians).
PVU for SGC-Analog (Switchgear Camera Analog): three cameras for three phases can be connected at the same time. The camera image can be chosen via a selection switch. The large, sharp monitor allows the flawless recognition of the switch position. Commercially available lithium-ion cells power the unit for a power-independent operation up to 5 hours and the built-in charger keeps additional cells ready for extended operating time. The unit can also be powered by a standard 110 V AC power outlet or a 12 V DC power outlet. The PVU is protected with IP 67 for indoor and outdoor use.
Software for switchgear viewing systems (edited sample)
Digital System SGC Digital Fast Ethernet/PoE | Network Solution
Digital cameras can be networked to provide views from multiple switches or breakers in a substation so that an observer at a central location can select any view. Our digital cameras are available as an IP65 rated fixed installation, for indoor and outdoor use. Fixed camera installations of 2 to 400+ cameras are available in user-programmable configurations, from stand-alone to 24-port or 8-port switch applications.
How to make your plants safer and more efficient with Switchgear cameras - everything you need to know!
Enter the world of Viewing Systems for Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS), Hybrid Switchgear, Generator Circuit Breaker (GCB) and Generator! Here is selected part of the presentation of Dr. Claus Romano at the Innovation Stage Forum of the IEEE PES T&D Show in New Orleans 2022 for download: "Switchgear Camera System for Power Grids".
One centralized system | Software adapted to client’s needs | Matching and pre-installation at factory
Proven camera systems fit all viewports in substations, medium and high voltage equipment, gas and air insulated switchgear, hybrid switchgear, GCB and transformers. The state-of-the-art cameras are designed for network and network-independent solutions. They are equally suitable for greenfield projects, retrofit or upgrade.
Switchgear camera systems for retrofit, upgrade and greenfield projects
Safe & Field-Proven
Cameras fit all viewports in gas- and air-insulated substations, for switches and breakers
One for all client’s needs, for new substations and upgrading
Outstanding reliability
Precondition for insurance coverage in numerous countries
Safety for the staff on site
Verified live view with live image indicator
Prevention of eye damage
Accident prevention: no need for climbing on ladders
Safe installation, all is preset and matched
Rugged High-End
High quality standards
Proven in high voltage and medium-voltage use
Extremely resistant to shock and vibration
CMOS sensor
GigE Vision or Video
Integrated high power white LEDs with low glare illuminate switches and breakers
Reflection-free optic with variable field of view
Indoor/outdoor, with waterproof protection up to IP 67/NEMA 6
Pluggable connector cable for very easy refit, no bending or twisting, minimum maintenance effort
Cable for long distance, single connector (PoE 300 ft or XLR 150 ft)
Compliant to IEEE Std C37.20.9-2019
Easy installation and operation: system configuration with preset cameras and installation plans
Optimally matched configuration on the basis of the individual substation´s specifications
Software adapted to substation client´s needs
Labeled cameras matched with software mimic of the real system
Proven QA procedures, complete system set-up is thoroughly tested ex works
Easy operation, no room for user errors
The camera will take care of it! Prevent accidents from climbing or eye hazards.
Extremely EMC and shock resistant design, for indoor and outdoor use.
Special versions for all viewports, as a network solution or network-independent.